
Anthony Crawford

Dyrektor Operacyjny Zakładów Produkcyjnych w Polsce, 3M Wrocław Sp. z o.o.

In this role he is responsible for all manufacturing centres in Poland, including manufacturing Superhub, Medical plants in Wrocław and centres in Janinów and Rabka (3000 employees in total). Anthony is also a member of 3M Poland Coordination Board. His career in 3M started over 20 years ago. During that time he has working on various positions of further increasing responsibility within Supply Chain and Manufacturing in Europe (UK, Belgium, Germany, and Poland).  He was responsible to establishing and managing the Personal Safety Division Plant in Wrocław and then worked in 3M in Switzerland as Lean Six Sigma Leader for EMEA region.

How to grow wisely - the development of 3M Superhub in Wroclaw

How to grow safely – the development of 3M Superhub in Wroclaw

This presentation provides an overview of factories 3M in Poland and the best practices in area of EHS which help to secure safe development of their worth over $ 500 million investment in Poland, with 2,900 workers and the production of more than 10,000 different types of products annually in Poland

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