
Monica Miches

Principal Consultant - Europe, Frost & Sullivan

Monica is a Principal Consultant at Frost & Sullivan. She is passionate about creating growth opportunities for clients and tracks horizontal markets such as Digital Industrial Platforms, Industrial IoT, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Services 2.0 and Ecosystem Partnerships. She specializes in consulting project delivery and has demonstrated ability through client projects across diverse end-markets: Industrials – Process, Hybrids, Discrete and Utilities.

Monica holds a Masters in Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication) and an MBA, and previously to Frost & Sullivan she was an Economic Policy Adviser at the Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest, Romania.

The Future of Digital Industries

The paradigm of digital factories has gained rapid traction across various industries and has created an active and urgent need among manufacturers to digitalise their value-chain. Digital IoT platforms are witnessing an upsurge in new product introductions and are poised to reimagine manufacturing as we know it. The question though is the gap that exists […]

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